Specialty Classes
Baby Puppy Classes
This is a new class approved by the CKC open to puppies between the ages of 4-6 months. No points are awarded to in the Baby Puppy Class. Placements are awarded first through fourth for each sex with Best Baby Puppy Male and Best Baby Puppy Female awarded respectively. Immediately thereafter a Best Baby Puppy in Specialty is chosen. Printed on the Baby Puppy Class judging form is the following note: “Judges should not disqualify dogs in this class for lack of testicles or not meeting a minimum height requirement required in the breed standard.”
Regular Classes
The following Regular CKC Classes (divided by sex) will be offered at all Specialties:
Junior Puppy Class – shall be for any dog 6 months and under 9 months of age on day of show.
Senior Puppy Class – shall be for any dog 9 months and under 12 months of age on day of show.
12 to 15 Month Class – shall be for any dog 12 months and under 15 months of age on day of show.
15 to 18 Month Class – shall be for any dog 15 months and under 18 months of age on day of show.
Canadian Bred Class – shall be for any dog born in Canada. Champions of any country are excluded.
* Different rules apply for the Best Canadian bred in Specialty Award.
Bred By Exhibitor Class – shall be for any dog handled in the ring by its owner/breeder. The handler MUST be the owner/co-owner AND the breeder/co-breeder of the dog. This class is also divided into coat types – rough and smooth. The owner/breeder must handle the dog at class level (but need not handle the dog for further awards).
* Different rules apply for the Best Bred By Exhibitor in Specialty Award.
Open Class – shall be for all dogs/bitches. This class is divided into coat types – rough and smooth.
Veterans (Competitive) Class – shall be for all dogs 7 years of age to 10 years of age and 10 years and older on the day of the Specialty. The winners of the Veteran Male and Veteran Female class DO NOT compete for points, but go directly onto the Best of Breed Competition. Spayed or neutered dogs ARE eligible for entry in this class.
Specials Only Class – shall be for any dog that has a recorded CKC Registration or Event Registration Number and has attained the required points for CKC Championship status.
The request to move a class dog to the Specials Only Class MUST be received by the Show Secretary one hour prior to the opening of the show on the day concerned.
Award Of Merit – At the judge’s discretion, one Award of Merit may be presented for every ten (10) dogs competing for Best of Breed.
Select Dog or Select Bitch – At the judge’s discretion, a Select Male or Select Female may be presented.
Best Veteran in Specialty – dogs must be entered in the Veterans Class.
Best Canadian Bred in Specialty – as per the CKC rule book, eligibility for Best Canadian Bred includes ALL dogs that were born in Canada, not just those entered in the Canadian Bred classes. This includes Specials. In the event that Best of Breed was also a Canadian bred dog, obviously Best Canadian Bred would be awarded to the Best of Breed winner.
Best Puppy in Specialty – All dogs under 12 months of age that have not been either directly or indirectly defeated by another puppy are eligible for Best Puppy in Breed. The dogs need not be entered in the Puppy Class, this includes any puppy that is entered as a special.
Exhibition Only – All dogs entered in this class shall be listed in the catalogue with the same particulars as dogs entered in regular competition. Dogs entered in this class MAY NOT COMPETE in any Regular Class, but may be entered and compete in any Non-Regular Classes.
Non-Regular Classes
The following Non Regular CKC Classes are offered by this Specialty Club:
Sire & Get – shall be for Sire and 2 or more of his Get
*Get or Progeny MUST be entered in one of the Regular Classes at the Specialty. The Stud Dog MUST also be entered in one of the Regular Classes at the Specialty, or for Exhibition Only. Stud Dogs are judged on the merits of their PROGENY. Regardless of his appearance, a good sire will produce quality and consistency. The sire or dam should not even be gaited. The stud and brood are awarded on their apparent reproductive ability, not their physical stature, and are the only dogs in the ring to carry arm bands. Each sire or dam must have a minimum of 2 progeny.
Brood Matron & Progeny – shall be for Dam and 2 or more of her Progeny
*Get or Progeny MUST be entered in one of the Regular Classes at the Specialty. The Stud Dog MUST also be entered in one of the Regular Classes at the Specialty, or for Exhibition Only. Stud Dogs are judged on the merits of their PROGENY. Regardless of his appearance, a good sire will produce quality and consistency. The sire or dam should not even be gaited. The stud and brood are awarded on their apparent reproductive ability, not their physical stature, and are the only dogs in the ring to carry arm bands. Each sire or dam must have a minimum of 2 progeny.
Brace Class – shall be for 2 dogs of the same breed (not necessarily of the same sex), judged as a matched pair. A brace must be handled by one person on one lead. When viewed from the side they should appear as one dog and its shadow or a mirror image of each other.
Sexually Altered Classes – eligibility for the Altered Classes is limited to dogs over 6 months of age that have been spayed/neutered by veterinary procedure. These classes are only offered at Specialties. Points MAY NOT be carried from the regular competition judging to the Altered Class judging. These classes WILL be judged upon the completion of the Regular Specialty judging.
Altered Male and Altered Female – Classes will be placed first through fourth in both sexes; the first place winner from each sex will be declared WINNERS and the second place winner from each sex RESERVE. The Altered Winners Male and Altered Winners Female will then compete for Best Altered and Best Opposite Sex Altered In Breed.
*Any dog entered in a Non-Regular Class MUST also be entered in a Regular Class or for Exhibition Only on the same day.
Junior Handler Prize
Any Junior Handler who handles a Saint Bernard on the weekend of the Specialty shall be awarded a small prize.
Puppy Sweepstakes
All dogs six (6) months and under twelve (18) months of age shall be eligible to compete. All dogs must be entered in one of the Regular Classes. The classes in the Sweepstakes are divided by sex and offered as follows:
- Junior Puppy (6 months and less than 9 months)
- Senior Puppy (9 months and less than 12 months)
- 12-15 Month
- 15-18 Month
For final judging, the first place dog from each of the above classes will be brought together for the final placing of Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes.
Veteran Sweepstakes
All dogs seven (7) years of age and over shall be eligible to compete. All dogs must be entered in one of the Regular Classes or for Exhibition Only. The classes in the Sweepstakes are divided by sex and offered as follows:
- 7 Years of Age and under 10 Years of Age
- 10 Years of Age and over
For final judging, the first place dog from each of the above classes will be brought together for the final placing of Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes.
The CKC requires that dogs must be at least 7 years old for any veteran class. The age division at 10 years is allowed. Veterans may be neutered or spayed.