Rescue Policy
The SBFC will act only in the capacity of a rescue referral. The SBFC will only provide assistance with the re-homing of obvious purebred Saint Bernards. Breeder/members of the SBFC are required to take back dogs of their own breeding who come into rescue wherever possible or at least to be involved in their rescue until a satisfactory outcome is achieved:
- To this end all dogs must be properly identified as per CKC requirements prior to leaving the breeder’s home.
- Expenses for rescue of a dog identified to a breeder/member will be the responsibility of the member.
The SBFC cannot financially support the medical costs of severely ill rescues:
- A veterinarian’s advice on medical intervention outcomes must be sought if the Club is being asked to assist.
- Financial assistance will be at the discretion of the Executive and will be of a reasonable amount when viewed against the available rescue fund.
The SBFC will not be responsible legally or financially for any rescues re-homed through it’s auspice:
- Dogs adopted through the referral of the Club then become the sole property of the adopter and as such the adopter is completely responsible for the dog’s care, feeding and associated costs, including veterinary care for the rest of the dog’s life.
- The Club cannot be held responsible for a rescue that proves to be unsuitable temperamentally. Adopters should be fully aware of this fact prior to adopting any dog through any rescue.
The SBFC will make no guarantee on the future health or temperament of any rescue. The SBFC encourages its membership to assist local shelters in assessing Saints in their care for suitability for re-homing and authorizes members to offer the assistance of the Club in finding homes for dogs that have passed assessment through its Facebook page and website. The SBFC will provide and advertise a Facebook page where potential adopters can view dogs that need homes and where they can leave their own information in view of obtaining a rescue:
- SBFC members are encouraged to post any rescues they know of with location, etc. on this page and check for potential adopters on a regular basis.
It is the position of the SBFC that financial assistance cannot be offered in every case and potential adopters should be made aware that de-sexing and medical costs will fall to them for the most part unless the Club Executive agrees, after discussion, to share a portion, at their discretion and in relation to the available funds in the Rescue account in certain individual cases;
- Members may wish to check with their own vets to see if any reduction in costs could be had for rescue cases that arise in their own areas.
Members of the SBFC may wish to participate in travel to get a rescue to another area and the Club may assist with some reasonable expenses of shuttling a rescue provided that permission for the proposed shuttle is submitted to the Executive for its approval prior to the shuttle taking place, along with an estimate of costs involved and that receipts for expenses are submitted immediately following the shuttle.